
Showing posts from July, 2008

World of Warcraft Exploit: Drink while in combat

My arena partner and I have been using this drinking exploit for sometime now, …

Howto Setup Your Wrath of the Lich King Beta Server

Requirements : -Wrath of the Lich King Beta client (not Alpha , you can uninst…

[Release] WoTLK Model Edit Fix

Information: Lots of people were requesting this so here it is. A WoTLK model e…

World of Warcraft Exploit: Traitors Among Us quest bug

I was questing in Theramore when i got the quest Traitors Among Us. For this yo…

[WotLK BETA] working private server release! -

Pach form Zilvermoon.Them have jobs are: TOM_RUS,Albatror,Mike Crowe & Kald…

Wrath of the Lich King Beta - Installer ( EU )

WotLK Beta 3 0 1 enGB downloader exe Same hostet on RapidShare This guide was o…

How to make a working WOTLK server

Things that u need :Wotlk alpha F&F updated with patch 8471(not gonna giv…

World of Warcraft Guide: How to get Gold quick On Battle Realms

First of all, this guide is for all those Battle Realms that you do arena, and …

Unlimited entries into the WotLK beta opt-in!

Hey, I've used this and gotten a couple beta keys already and since my fr…

World of Warcraft Exploit: Pickpocket macro/expoit

So I found this macro and was using it to help me out while pickpocketing, howe…

Miners Guide to 400g+ per hour

This guide requires you to have Flying epic mount + skill and be a miner, also …

World of Warcraft Druide Macro Tutorial

For more truly amazing guides, check out mmOverload The best site on the net f…

World of Warcraft exploit: Farm Orb of Deception

It involves the rare spawn in Dire Maul arena. Now why does anyone care about t…

Entangling Roots twice

I've found another druid-glitch that can maybe be an exploit because you ca…

World of Warcraft Exploit: Free Badge/Honor/Arena items!

Basicaly i discovered this by pure randomness.. Every tuesday when the realms g…

WoW Cheats: Save your guild gold from a wipe on kalecgos.

You have to be a mage for this. If your guild is just learning Kalecgos, this c…

World of Warcraft trick: Mount in Moonkin Form

1. Travel to Wetlands 2. Follow the coast to the left, to 14.29 or something. 3…

Easy M'uru Pull Strategy

Basically, what you need to do is have the raid behind the flags outside muru&#…

How to put yourself at top of damage meters (recount mod)

If your guild DPS is obsessed with damage meters, here is an easy way to always…

Level 29 Mage Twink Guide

Well first off the gear, now with mages you can EASILY just get +spell damad…

Stratholme farm ! easy way to earn 400-700G/hour

First: Find a Palatank (Pala tank prefere be course of the AoE effect tanking m…

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